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info 2 come
ersteren - Xiaolan Huangpu - traf ich heute beim tag der off'nen tür in der stö.
er macht wunderbare chinesische tusche-malereien und wir unterhielten uns ein wenig über die vertiefte kunst, wie auch das material - den unterschied zwischen hochqualitativem und eher gebräuchlichem.
im herbst gibts einen kurs in chinesischer tuschemalerei - INFO: tel 54 6660
Wang: wang
woelfin is:
48 years 5 months younger than Pope John Paul II
37 years 1 month younger than Barbara Walters, age 71
34 years 11 months younger than Larry King, age 69
28 years 8 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 63
25 years 3 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 60
22 years 3 months younger than George W. Bush, age 57
17 years 3 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 52
12 years 11 months younger than Bill Gates, age 47
8 years 2 months younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 43
2 years 3 months younger than Mike Tyson, age 37
1 year 9 months older than Jennifer Lopez, age 33
7 years 3 months older than Tiger Woods, age 27
13 years 8 months older than Prince William, age 21
32 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America
31 years old on the first day of Y2K
28 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a crash
26 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing
25 years old when O. J. Simpson - murder
24 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the WTC
22 years old when Operation Desert Storm began
21 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall
17 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded
15 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh
11 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began
5 years old when President Nixon left office
not yet 1 year old: 1st man on the moon

WOW: sowas is ja Xund for Gugl!

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